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PLTS Internship Site Information | Geographic Restriction
Thank you for agreeing to serve as an internship site for a geographically restricted PLTS student! We greatly appreciate your partnership and look forward to working with you and your ministry.
We recommend that you review this form, and gather needed information and resources, before starting. You will not be able to save and come back to this form - it must be completed in one session.
Ministry Information
Ministry Name
Postal Code
Other Social Media
Supervisor Information
Supervisor Name
Supervisor Pronouns
Supervisor Phone
Supervisor Email
Supervisor Public Social Media Accounts
Years of ordained ministry:
Years at current ministry site:
Days off
Date of most recent boundaries training
Date of most recent anti-racism training
PLTS Statement of Inclusion
PLTS is an inclusive community and offers hospitality to all who participate in our programs of study. As disciples of Christ committed to public leadership among God's people in diverse and challenging cultural contexts, we eagerly learn from and welcome one another's diversity, including, but not limited to, theological perspective, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, relationship status, age, physical ability, social and economic status, and sexual orientation.
We require that all Contextual Education sites agree with this welcome. Please indicate whether or not your community agrees with this statement and if you are practicing such hospitality. If you are, please share examples of how you are living out this hospitality in your community in the first text box below. If not, please indicate in what ways you are unable to meet these expectations in the second text box.
We require that all Contextual Education sites agree with this welcome. Please indicate whether or not your community agrees with this statement and if you are practicing such hospitality. If you are, please share examples of how you are living out this hospitality in your community in the first text box below. If not, please indicate in what ways you are unable to meet these expectations in the second text box.
We agree with this statement and are currently practicing such hospitality in ways described below.
We agree with this statement but are not currently practicing such hospitality for the reasons listed below.
We do not agree with this statement.
We are exhibiting hospitality as outlined in the PLTS Statement of Inclusion in the following ways:
We are unable to meet these expectations for these reasons:
While being Reconciling in Christ is not required, it is helpful information for the student and the seminary to know.
While being Reconciling in Christ is not required, it is helpful information for the student and the seminary to know.
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation
We are not a Reconciling in Christ congregation
We are not yet a Reconciling in Christ congregation, but are on the road toward becoming RIC
Information Regarding the Congregation
Average Weekly Worship Attendance
Faith Formation Enrollment (Education classes)
Number Baptized
Number Confirmed
Staffing: Please indicate whether each position listed below is full time, part time, or not applicable.
Solo Pastor
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Lead Pastor / Sr. Pastor / Head of Staff
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Associate/Asst. Pastor
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Administrative Staff
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Youth Director
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Property Staff/ Custodian
Full Time
Part Time
Not Applicable
Explain above as needed and describe other staff positions, if needed
Total Budget
(for current FY)
Mission Support to Synod/ELCA:
Other Benevolence:
Ethnic/Cultural Composition of Congregation
specify relative percentage of each)
African American/Black:
Asian/Pacific Islander:
Native American/Alaska Native:
Part II: Financial Support of the Internship Program and Student Intern
A. Required Financial Support to the Seminary in Support of Internship Process
A one-time fee of $1500
B. Required Financial Support of the Student (Requirements of Vocation and Education/Candidacy)
The congregation will provide a monthly, undesignated cash stipend of $2000.00 (current amount for 2024-25 academic year; subject to change for future years).
This may be negotiable with a geographically restricted intern. Please speak with Director of Contextual Education.
The congregation will pay the employer's share of FICA based on the total value of the stipend plus housing provided. If the housing is paid in cash (rather than the congregation renting the apartment or offering a parsonage), that amount is also considered income. With this in mind, the congregation pays the employer's portion of FICA and withholds the employee's portion for the intern. These are paid to the government.
Medical Insurance:
ELCA seminaries do not offer student health insurance coverage, nor does PLTS require that internship sites provide health insurance for interns. Individual health insurance coverage is expected to be maintained by the student throughout attendance at PLTS, including internship. That being said, congregations, if desired and able, can assist interns with this expense.
Work Expenses:
The congregation will reimburse the intern for approved expenses incurred in their work.
Travel Reimbursement:
The congregation will pay automobile expenses incurred in the performance of assigned duties at the rate specified by the IRS as an allowable deduction.
Day Off/Vacation:
The congregation will grant the intern a minimum of one day off per week. Additionally, a 12-month internship will include a 2-week vacation with stipend. A 9-month internship will include a 10-day vacation with stipend. A 6-month internship will include a 1-week vacation with stipend.
The congregation will pay the intern the full monthly stipend
The congregation will pay the intern the full monthly stipend
Agreed-Upon Monthly Stipend Amount
C. Student Support
(Optional Items)
The congregation will assist in paying the intern's share of FICA based on the
total value
of the stipend
The congregation will assist in paying the intern's share of FICA based on the
total value
of the stipend
Other Financial Support
Student Learning Opportunities
It is understood that the student will be offered a full and varied experience of service and learning opportunities, including those
specifically listed below. Please check those that are available within your setting and are your intention to provide as experience and
skill development:
A. The Congregation at Worship
A. The Congregation at Worship
Preaching (Once a month is considered minimum)
Leading in Worship
Worship Planning
Participating in pastoral acts (observing and/or assisting with wedding rehearsals, weddings, baptisms, and visitation)
Participating in worship learning opportunities (e.g., courses, seminars, text study groups)
Other (please specify below)
Please list worship learning opportunities already in place:
B. Pastoral Care
B. Pastoral Care
Visiting with active members (including youth, aged, shut-ins, etc.)
Visiting with inactive members
Visiting with unchurched people
Grief Ministry
Participating in existing visitation ministry
Other: please specify
C. Lay Ministry
C. Lay Ministry
Participating in programs related to lay vocations (Stephen Ministry, Ministry in Daily Life, Befrienders, Shepherding programs, etc.)
Participating in marriage enrichment programs, parenting programs, singles ministry, etc.
Encouraging lay persons to identify and use their talents in church and in daily life
Educating, training, and supervising volunteers working in various congregational or agency programs
Engaging in dialogue with members on the interaction of vocation and faith
Other: please specify
D. Education
D. Education
Teaching adult education
Teaching teen education
Teaching children's education
Teaching confirmation
Modeling and teaching appropriate use of inclusive and expansive language
Participating in the review of curricular materials
Using a variety of educational resources (the arts, media, technology, etc.)
Participating in the training of teachers and providing feedback on their work
Other: please specify
E. Evangelism
E. Evangelism
Sharing one's faith in an explicit way with others
Working with the evangelism committee to involve members in evangelism and outreach
Participating in the global mission of the church, including becoming involved in and encouraging members to participate with persons overseas, in study seminars, in Global Mission events, etc.
Other: please specify
F. Social Ministry
F. Social Ministry
Participating in social ministry programs of the congregation
Studying the social statements of the ELCA
Becoming familiar with agencies dealing with alcoholism, drug dependency, child or spouse abuse, etc.
Leading the congregation or agency into active mission and service beyond its boundaries
Studying the social, economic and political realities of the local congregation and community
Participating in advocacy with elected officials
Other: please specify
G. Stewardship
G. Stewardship
Working with the congregation to enhance a holistic understanding of biblical stewardship
Experiencing opportunities to articulate the connections among faith, financial stewardship and the mission of the church
Participating in the stewardship program of the congregation, including development of its budget, administration, time/talent surveys and spiritual gifts inventory
Supporting church and community organizations beyond congregational boundaries
Participating with the congregation in programs of caring for the earth and environment
Other: please specify
H. Ecumenism/Interfaith
H. Ecumenism/Interfaith
Engaging in dialogue with people of other Christian congregations
Engaging in dialogue with people of other faiths & religions
Engaging in acts of service with other Christians and those of other faiths
Becoming familiar with church-wide policy on ecumenical and inter-religious relationships
Studying the multicultural and global context within which the Christian church makes its witness
Other: please specify
I. Administration
I. Administration
Working with the congregation treasurer and/or financial secretary to understand the process of recording and reporting financial contributions as well as the disbursement by the church treasurer of these contributions
Familiarizing with procedures for administrating the church office
Assisting in preparation of annual congregation reports
Other: please specify
J. Leadership
J. Leadership
Helping groups and committees define and communicate their goals
Analyzing the dynamics of the congregation's decision-making processes
Leading in inclusive ministry
Ministry with LGBTQIA2S+ persons
Ministry with persons of diverse racial, class and economic situations
Helping the congregation bring about constructive change and deal creatively with conflict
Participating collegially with leaders of other congregations in the community and synod
Being in contact with representatives of synods/church-wide agencies, and increasing understanding of their work
Exercising appropriate leadership authority
Other: please specify
Internship Project
Each intern will complete a project in one of the areas listed below. The supervisor and internship committee will be asked to approve such a project in advance and evaluate it when it is completed. The intern will be responsible for all the conceptualization, initiative, administration, and reporting related to it. This will permit the intern to exercise and grow in their ability to function as a leader who mobilizes people in ministry.
In terms of opportunity and appropriateness for such a project, prioritize the following areas using a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being the most appropriate:
Advocacy in the Public Sphere
Creation Care
Social Justice Ministry
Support for the Internship Program as a Learning Process
1. The supervisor will attend training events on internship supervision as well as meetings of the internship cluster.
2. The supervisor will arrange at least one hour per week for supervision with the intern concerning diaconal/pastoral identity and ministry, including theological reflection. This time should be kept free of external interruptions and routine calendar planning, focusing on the development of the intern as pastor or deacon.
3. An internship committee, consisting of the intern and about five members of the congregation, will be a special resource to the intern. The internship committee is expected to meet with the intern at least once a month.
Has the internship committee already been designated?
Has the internship committee already been designated?
The Internship Committee is an essential component of welcoming and orienting the intern. We encourage you to have a committee established prior to the intern's arrival.
4. The supervisor and internship committee will assist the intern in the formulation of a Learning-Service Agreement (LSA) (Word & Sacrament students)
a Learning Covenant (LC) (Word & Service students) to provide the intern regular opportunities for sharing observations and evaluations. The LSA or the LC should be drafted and submitted to the Office of Contextual Education within the first month of internship, and then reviewed and/or revised periodically.
5. The "Criteria and Standards for Setting" section of the Candidacy Manual stipulates that "congregations are expected to have a written policy for sexual ethics." Please check the appropriate box below.
If you currently have a policy, you will be prompted to upload (or copy & paste) it after you choose.
Our congregation has a written policy against sexual misconduct and harassment. We have included a clause regarding internship.
Our congregation has a written policy against sexual misconduct and harassment. We will include a clause regarding internship before the beginning of the internship.
Our congregation will develop a policy against sexual misconduct and harassment. We will send it to the seminary prior to the beginning of the internship.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Or, type or copy-and-paste your document here:
Review and Signature
Applicant's Signature
through this electronic signature I state that the above information is correct, to the best of my knowledge
If not the supervisor listed above, title of signatory
If not the supervisor listed above, signatory's email address & phone number