Summer 2025 Course Registration

Application to Register for Incoming Students and Non-Degree Seeking Students
Have you ever attended Cal Lutheran?
Have you ever attended Cal Lutheran?
Are you in good academic standing at your current institution?
Are you in good academic standing at your current institution?

High Schools and Colleges Attended

Emergency Contact Information

Course Selection

Please visit our Summer course page and identify the course(s) you'd like to request registration for. Please note the available seats for each course and request registration for courses with space remaining.

Academic Responsibility

  1. I understand that by applying for Non-Degree Seeking Student Status, I am not applying for formal admission to California Lutheran University (CLU). I will be considered a non-matriculated student and not part of the CLU student body. If I should later choose to apply for formal admission to CLU, I will be required to submit a current application for admission, pay the application fee, submit all required transcripts, and provide any other requested items.
  2. I understand that as a Non-Degree Seeking Student I will be limited to part-time status (less than 12 semester units) and will only be allowed to take a maximum of 12 attempted semester credits total at CLU.
  3. I understand that I may only enroll in courses for which I have met the prerequisites or co-requisites, there are no prerequisites, or with approval from the instructor as per the CLU catalog or semester schedule.
  4. I understand that I must contact the university directly if I no longer wish to be enrolled in a course. It is my responsibility to drop the course before the start of classes to avoid financial and academic penalties.
  5. I understand that as a Non-Degree Seeking Student I am not eligible to participate as a student participant in any of CLU's University sponsored or extracurricular activities including but not limited to student clubs, ASCLU (student government), newspaper, dramatic productions, campus athletic events, intramural sports, etc. I am also not eligible to use the student health office, student fitness center, student union, or any facilities limited only to CLU students.
  6. I understand that as a non-matriculated student CLU reserves the right to refuse my enrollment in courses at any time.
  7. I hereby certify that the information set forth in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. All documents or other materials which relate to my application for admission become property of the University. If accepted to California Lutheran University, I hereby agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth by the University.

Financial Responsibility

  1. I understand that as a non-matriculated student I am not eligible for any financial aid from the state, federal government, or university, including scholarships, grants, or loans.
  2. I understand that I will be charged a per unit rate of $665 and that the total will be due to the CLU Business Office prior to the start of class(es).
  3. I understand that as a non-matriculated student I am not eligible for campus housing or meal plans.


My signature below indicates that I have read the restrictions and requirements for Non-Degree Seeking students listed above, and that I accept financial responsibility for all charges and fees as a result of enrollment at California Lutheran University per the University catalog, including interest which accrues at the rate of 1.25% monthly on any unpaid balance.